Access timestamp details using our RESTful API.
An authorized user having the login name and password can create an API Key by making a POST request:

Method:        POST
Headers:      application/json
Each API Key is valid for half an hour. Once a query is made, the validity period of the API Key will be automatically extended for another half an hour.
Request parameters:
Parameters Type Type
uLoginName string A string containing your login name
uLoginPassword string A string containing your login password
Response parameters:
Parameters Type Description
code string 0 means “success”
-101 means “authentication failed”
msg string
data string API Key
Response example:
Query timestamp details
Fetch data by using API Key and the email address associated with the timestamp.

Method:        POST
Headers:      application/json
Request parameters:
Parameters Type Description
tempKey string API Key
email string The email address associated with the timestamp
Response parameters:
Parameters Type Description
code string 0 means “success”
-101 means “authentication failed”
msg string
total string Number of timestamp(s)
data array Timestamp details
email string The email address associated with the timestamp
creation string Creation time
name string Name
company string Company or school name
employment string Employment or enrollment starting time
position string Current position or major of study
location string Work location
eiImg string URL of timestamp picture
Response example:
			"name":"Michael Jackson",
			"company":"Sony Music Entertainment",
			"location":"New York",
			"employment":"1995 February",
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